
为了发挥中草药资源的特色优势,从生物多样性保护和药用植物资源可持续利用出发,推动中药产业发展,药用植物园是一个很好的发展方向。夏威夷药用植物园的建立会成为一个集中草药资源保存、研究、开发,以及科普、教育、中华文化、旅游观光于一体的大型中医药现代科技园区,成为西方世界首创的最大的中草药, 药用植物保护区和开发利用技术中心。
药用植物中有观赏价值的植物有一千三百 多种。采用中药药用植物建设成一个园林化的、具有中医药文化特色的药用植物园是完全可能的。中药用植物制作园林景观是中国园林艺术与中国传统中医药结合的产物,对世界园林园艺也将产生积极的影响。


一. 自然条件及概况:
夏威夷药用植物园将建组培实验室,展览区和教学实习区,繁育引种驯化试验区, 将建展览温室一英畝,研究试验温室半英畝,将收集药用植物五千种,大型种质低温贮藏库及各类专业实验室。初步科技人员二名,分别从事植物分类、园艺栽培、植物生理生化、遗传育种、植物保护、国内外种质交换等研究和技术工作。管理人员及工人五名,从事植物园内各区的日常生产和管理。普通劳工近十人.
聘请常务干事阳国安先生负责公关,營運,促銷,引資, 项目安排等.
聘请 Linda He 博士为植物园实验室主任 。
总经理黄平熙先生策划并出资在檀香山北岸栽种短期农作物维持植物园初步运作经费, 并于二零一六年四月在欧胡岛东北海岸购买五英亩农地暂时建立一个小规模的永续生态农场欢迎各界贤达人士踊跃参加共同努力发展。

作为一个中国人在夏威夷三十多年的生活体会到旅游观光对夏威夷的经济文化发展及周边国家的互动夏威夷的確是中西文化交流的好地方。长久以来众多中国人致力把中医针灸治疗及中药配方向西方国家推广值得我们敬佩,今天中医学在美国大部分州立大学都有专题讲座尤其是旧金山已创办了三蕃市中医学大学,但我总感觉到还是少了一样东西,在二零零三年在广西南宁与广西亚热带作物研究所所长刘明举先生到广西药用植物园参观后才发现到夏威夷缺少了一个中草药植物园。从那一年开始我就梦想尽我所能去奔跑在美国任何地方建立一个立体的本草纲目, 几经挫折终于在二零一二年通过檀香山市农业发展部主任赖博永博士的鼓励。又得到夏威夷华人最大农场之一苏氏兄弟允许暂时在菠萝园旅游观光区旁边开始动土作为收集药材种苗的基地及设立临时办公室开始策划建园工作。二零一三年受到新世纪传媒集团黄平熙先生捐赠农庄及经济全力支持参与。此项目需年青有志之士大力支持。
为了给更多本地人对植物园有更多的了解及鼓励他们积极参与,下面是一篇有关植物园英文的初步 构想。

药园地址:18-4144 Maunakea Dr. Mountain view, HI 96771
电话:   朱达青(808) 987-2324        黄平熙 (808)233-8305

 Hawaii Medicinal Botanical Garden Inc.


The next trillion-dollar industry

Despite the fact that individuals in the United States spend more money on health care than any other nation in the world, many people remain shutout of the health-based opportunities. Part of this can be attributed to the fact that western institutions of medicine have traditionally been focused on the treatment of illness- a costly, point-and-shoot methodology-rather than the broader promotion of wellness. With the rising cost and insurance looming over the average American, it has become increasingly clear that an emphasis on healthy living and preventative health care is in greater demand than ever.

A report issued by Price Waterhouse Cooper and the Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) posits that the shifting focus toward wellness is having a distinct economic impact. Last year alone, over 0 billion in sales related to wellness of products and service were recorded. Which 80% of it is come from natural plant, with a growing turn toward the internet as a primary purchasing channel, especially for healthy and natural products, NMI President Maryellen molyneaux’s observation that “consumers are expressing their desire for greater control over the health and lifestyle ….. They want new, innovative products and more information’’ clearly points toward the unprecedented growing need for targeted and sustainable health solutions.

The broad of director of Hawaii Medicinal Botanical Garden and our Chinese partner have recognized this global cry for support, and have positioned our self to be the pioneer in this paradigm shift. To say that we have learned a thing or two about healthy living are quite an understatement. In fact, over the last few years our CEO and global counter partners have been continually driven by a goal of providing the latest educational information breakthroughs available. Many valuable medicinal and endanger plants have been collected with intended to propagated through tissue culture make it available to meet the demand in a short period. In order to stay on the cutting-edge of an ever-changing market, we have been establishing an agreement with Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden in China to duplicate their garden here in Hawaii and starting to basic land prep with the help From NRCS in hope to serve as a living encyclopedia for medicine science and multicultural practice.

TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine is the discipline and study of human physiology, pathology, disease diagnose and prevention.  TCM consists of ancient knowledge of Chinese People’s encounter with diseases and understanding of the human body function through long term medicinal practice and thorough observation that gradually formed and developed into a system of medical theory.  Traditional Chinese medicine consists of vast amount of plants and herbs as raw material.

All or some plants are used for medicinal purposes in TCM or as raw material for the pharmaceutical industry.  Medicinal plants in TCM are used in the medical application for disease prevention and treatment.  The Chinese discovery of medicinal plants, use and cultivation, has a long history.  Ancient Chinese historical document which tells of “Shen Nong, Wu Gu Xian Di”, or the “Divine Farmer, Emperor of Five Grains” tasted a hundred “Fu” or bitter herbs and medicine. Shen Nong is credited with identifying hundreds of medical (and poisonous) herbs by personally testing their properties, which was crucial to the development of TCM.  Legend holds that Shen Nong had a transparent body, and thus could see the effects of different plants and herbs on himself.  Although stories of Shen Nong may be among legends, but the description of the discoveries and use of medicinal plants through long-term practical experience and gradual accumulation of knowledge led to the development of the “Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo Jīng, The Divine Farmer's Herb-Root Classic”; considered to be the earliest Chinese pharmacopoeia, and includes 365 medicines derived from plants, minerals and animals. Of which, 256 of the medicines were from plants. 

During the “Warring States Period”, there were many written records on the use of medicinal plants.  Books such as the “Shi Jing, The Book of Songs” and “Shan Hai Jing, Classic of Mountain and Sea” recorded more than 50 species of medicinal plants.  Mawangdui Silk Text, discovered in 1973, is Han Dynasty’s oldest medical text, which included the “Wushi’er Bing Fang, Recipes for Fifty-two Ailments, that recorded 115 kinds of plant medicines.  During the Song Dynasty, the famous medical practitioner Tang Shenwei compiled the “Emergency Preparedness through the History of Class Certificates Materia Medica”.  Many rely on this collection of various herbal Song collated from past medical text, summarized as a collection containing more than 1,110 species of plant medicine.  By the period of the Ming Dynasty, the collection of medical plants had reach over 1200 types, as documented in the “Compendium of Material Medica” by Li Shizhen.

Many Chinese people have committed to the study of acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and promoting natural herbs to the Western countries.  An example of such efforts to bring TCM into Western medicine can be seen by the offering of TCM and integrative electives to traditional Western medical curriculum at the University of California, San Francisco’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine.

  Pau Chi and Moku Young traveled to China in 2003 accompanied by Mr. Liu Mingju, Director and Associate Dean of Nanning Guangxi Subtropical Crops Research Institute, to visit the Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden.  This inspired PAUChi and Tony Huang to build a Medicinal Botanical garden back home.  Hawaii, containing 4 of the 5 major open Climate zones and 10 of the open sub-zones, is the ideal place for cultivation of medicinal plants.  For years, The Chi and  the Huang attempted and set out to build and translate the Compendium of Materia Medica into a three-dimensional living garden.  Development of the Medicinal Botanical garden will encourage people around the world to participate and develop a deeper understanding about TCM and its use in today’s integrative medicine practice.

The board of directors of Hawaii Medicinal Botanical Garden and our Chinese partners has recognized this global cry for support, and has positioned ourselves to be the pioneers in this paradigm shift.  In fact, over the last few years, our CEO and global counterpart have been continually driven by the goal of providing the latest education information breakthroughs available.  Many valuable medicinal and endangered plants have been collected with the intention to propagate it via tissue culturing to make it available to meet market demand in a short period.  In order to stay on the cutting-edge of an ever-changing market, we have established an agreement with Guangxi Medicinal Botanical Garden in China to duplicate their garden here in Hawaii, and started the search for a 200 plus acres of volcanic land on the Island of Hawaii (Big Island), in hopes to develop it into a living encyclopedia for medicinal plant science and multicultural practice.

The following is the initial planning and outlook about the Medicinal Botanical garden:

A.    Natural Conditions and Profile:

Establishing a medical botanical garden will promote the understanding of Chinese herbal medicine; its biodiversity, characteristics and properties, conservation and sustainability, and the promotion of the TCM industry.  Having this establishment in the state of Hawaii can eventually translate into a national medicinal plant preservation, research and development, and education entity.  It will also promote Chinese culture in a diverse environment such as Hawaii with the potential to benefit the State via tourism to one of the largest Chinese medicine Science and Technology Park, the largest in the Western world.

Among 11,000 kinds of herbal medicinal plants, more than 3300 kinds have ornamental value.  Building a garden with the cultural characteristics and aesthetics of a Chinese Medicinal Botanical Garden will be one of the focuses of this plan.  Combing ornamental and medicinal plants in the landscape for medicine production is a Chinese traditional garden placement art form. Chinese medicine is an inherent part and essence of traditional Chinese culture.  The establishment of the medicinal plantation, gardens to reflect the rich cultural connotation of the Chinese people’s philosophy of balance and harmony with nature while creating a beautiful natural environment within its surroundings.  The wide variety of medicinal plants that will be cultivated on the property will contributed to the understanding of biodiversity research and development, resource conservation, education of environmental stewardship.  The garden will showcase the medicinal plants as the main landscape element, surrounded by botanical garden art, and various geographical features to balances and harmonizes the entire environment.  Combining an educational space on medicinal plants with Chinese garden-sequel aesthetics is sure method to attract all visitors to a place of beauty, serenity and learning.

  The Botanical Garden will be developed on an existing 25 acres leased land in Puna District Big Island. With 5 acres dedicated for exhibition and education space, 5 acres for plant breeding, 10 acres for conservation efforts, 2 acres for greenhouse exhibition, 2 acres greenhouse research space with dedicated laboratory setup that includes 5,000 species of medicinal plants (excluding varieties). Two scientific and technical personnel will be hired on to engage in plant taxonomy, horticulture, plant physiology, biochemistry, genetics and breeding, domestic and international exchange of germ plasma and other research work.  Five management and grounds keeping personal will be hired on to run the daily operations and management of the facility.

The Hawaii botanical garden will further develop traditional Chinese medicine used for scientific research with state of the art advancement in botanical horticulture techniques.  The botanical garden will act as a window to the world, displaying the vast variety of live plant specimens, showcase the rich history of traditional Chinese medicine, and jump start and attract a new tourism sector. 

B.     Funding sources and economic benefits:

The Botanical Garden will be funded with a valuation of 0 Million USD, at 00 USD per share with the issuing of 100,000 shares. Provide finances to support the Garden’s three operational staff at ,000.00 per person each month for the first three years. 

The stocks will be rewarded to Garden Contributors, None Profit Organizations and sold to the open public consisting of private and public companies, and individual investors around the world.  Groups or Individuals, who invests in a minimum of ,000.00 or 10 shares, will enjoy the benefits of becoming honorary lifetime members to the Botanical Garden, have their names engraved into the Garden’s history monument, and receive an annual family vacation pass for one month to the Medicinal Botanical Garden.

A startup capital loan is needed for short term vegetable crop and value add processing plant to add an income stream to support the long term vision of the Medicinal Botanical Garden.  Our long term goal is grow and process many valuable natural medicinal plants from the Far East to the West such as the Noni and Gynura bicolor along with herbs from the Medicinal Botanical Garden together to create the first renew and sustainable energy agriculture tourism in Hawaii.  


Initial board of preparatory committee

Pau CHI, Pingxi Huang


地址: 6400 Garfield Ave Bell Garden, CA 90201
电话: 626-3162593 传真: 626-3162593 E-Mail:tonyhuang1688@aliyun.com 网站管理